Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 641: Waiting for the verdict

I am no good at waiting anymore.   You'd think that it would be easier as I age.  You know, the benefit of perspective and maturity.  Well, I did not feel mature or patient today.   We paced and walked and snacked and killed time waiting for Evan to call.  Fortunately, when he called just after 5, his four hour interview could not have gone better.  He made connections with all the team members he met.  In fact, several are Oberlin graduates! The call will come tomorrow or early Friday.  We all have a very good feeling about the job, but now we have to wait again!

I was more patient waiting for my friend to get out of surgery.  Her son and I talked for a few hours while we waited.  He is a delightful conversationalist and it was pleasant to pass the time with him.  She is doing well today, but she has a long recovery ahead of her.

For several years we have waited to get permission to have a website for Quest.  Our friend Mike, the newly elected school board president intervened and tried to get some action.  We were supposed to hear in August, but never heard a word from anyone in the school.  Today, a completed Quest page appeared on the school's website.   No one ever consulted with us.  The assistant superintendent had his secretary type up an old parent packet.  The site is filled with outdated information.  I was enraged.  I asked him how he had the audacity to prepare a website on Quest without ever speaking us once.  His answer: he spoke to Steve about it  TWO years ago.   I had to hand the phone to Steve because I was so angry.  What Joe doesn't understand is that I review and edit and revise every single document we prepare every single year.  We constantly discuss these critical communications.  I don't want anyone presuming they can do that for us, especially when he knows NOTHING about the program.  Fortunately, in the end Joe agreed to give us what we wanted in the first place.  We will pay for a teacher website then they will link it to the school website.  We will have control over the content.

OK, enough ranting.  Tomorrow will be better.  Should I apologize for blasting him?  Maybe.

Our naughty Paddy snuck into the bedroom and slept on my side of the bed.  He's such a distant, anti-social cat most of the time, but then he decides he wants his mommy.  Like now, he's sharing my lap with the computer.

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