Friday, May 29, 2015

Day 1245: Black iris

We learned today that a former student who was serving in the Air Force in Germany was killed in a motor vehicle accident.  He was only 24.  His parents had just flown to Germany to meet him because they were going to travel together around Europe for a few weeks.  They never got to see him.  It's terribly heartbreaking.

On another sad note, our 76 year old neighbor and friend, died this week quite suddenly.  Seventy-six just doesn't seem old to us any more.

And Mary got news today that her precious cat Clara has a massive tumor and only days to live.  Certainly in comparison, a cat's life is not significant.  A young man and an old man, beloved by their families.  Incredibly sad.  But Clara is Mary's little girl and it will be a hard loss to take after sixteen years together.

Laurie and her friends arrived in early afternoon.  They came from Columbus, Cleveland, NYC, and Utica.   What a delight it is to hear them laughing and visiting, so happy to be together again.  They were effusive with their thanks, but for 360 days each year, three bedrooms sit empty and quiet.  I am so happy they are finally occupied.  Tonight,  they are off to attend a concert by a classmate and then meet other friends down town.

Conditions were perfect for swimming lots of laps today, but I couldn't do it.  Apparently I did not warm up enough or ease into swimming like I usually do in May and early June.  No, I had to swim two miles in two days and I'm paying for it.  Last night my elbow was so painful I could hardly lift anything.  Tonight, it's a bit better.  So, I have to lay off for a few days.   A cold front is moving through the area this weekend which will make it more palatable to miss pool time.  I had wanted to hit five miles in May, but I'll have to settle for 4.3.

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