Monday, May 4, 2015

Day 1220: Things get in the way

I wanted to jump in the pool, but we got so busy with chores and had so many errands to run, that it just didn't happen.  The prospect of summer made every job a joy!  Sparkling windows, clean screens, fresh air.  The entire lawn is now mowed and raked, even the swampy northwest corner.  Soggy clumps of compacted oak and willow leaves have killed patches of grass.   Now that it's raked, maybe the grass will fill in.

I bought seeds today.  Lettuces, peas, pea pods, Swiss chard, yellow and green beans.  We'll till the garden later this week because I can hardly wait to plant.  Some will go in the garden, but lots will go in pots.  One pot of last year's lettuce reseeded itself and dozens of plants are now an inch tall.

Tomorrow, the first four cubic yard of black mulch will be delivered.  Two of the front gardens are ready to go!  In two weeks, after Quest is over, gardening will get my full time attention.

Me and Laraine on my birthday with two of the bouquets.

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