Monday, May 18, 2015

Day 1234: Close to the end!

Only four pieces of equipment came in today, two from Silver Creek and two from Fredonia.  Hope everyone meets tomorrow's deadline!

The pots and pans are now clean and packed away.  Steve hauled med supplies, packs, tents, coolers, and tools back to the storage area.  We loaded my car with the extra food to deliver to the Friendly Kitchen tomorrow.  Steve wrote the accident reports and turned them into the nurse.

I had a difficult conversation with a father whose son used plentiful profanity during Quest.  We decided to let the family deal with the situation and asked that the child write a letter of apology to the target.  Then I had to call a student leader and ask him to apologize to a student and grandparent for the comments he made at the welcome home celebration.  He called the child a "troublemaker" in front of 300 people, yet the camper was no problem at all on Quest.  The student leader based the comment on his observation of the child in detention back when the student leader was in MS!  I told him it's an opportunity to learn how to better deal with people and I hope he will grow from his mistake.

Mary and I spent two wonderful hours at Harvestview shopping for flowers!   It was just what we needed to relax after a long stressful period.  The spring semester ended and today was Mary's first Monday off from the college.  Between us, we spent nearly $300.00 on personal and cemetery flowers.  I can't wait to get planting!  A cool spell is coming tomorrow, so there will be plenty of time to plant, spread mulch and edit photos.  Then, maybe I will post a bunch of Quest pics.  Plus, on Saturday, we're going to the Amish relief auction which is always fun.

A strange fungi found in the glade near Park Rd.

The view from Dibble Hill on Friday

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