Saturday, January 17, 2015

Day 1113: Golden hat

Sore throat, ear ache and congestion.  Thanks, Shane.  I cancelled Penelope for tomorrow.  I don't feel horrible, but I sure don't want to infect my frail, elderly friends.  (I guess I could be classified as elderly, but not frail)  I also skipped musical.  If even one of them gets sick, it will run through the whole cast and crew.

It's not all bad.  I finished the two day hike chapter.  Steve needs to read it tomorrow and then I'll address any points he may see.  Monday, I'll move on to the four day hike!

We went out for a short walk since the temp hit 39 degrees.  I'm wearing a new hat, a gift from a former student.  In the last five years of my teaching career, I taught the history of sewing and fashion.  We named the course like so I would be certified to teach it.  There was a demand for the course, but no one to teach it.  At first, I was resistant, but I came to love it.  It was so much fun to teach a course that did not require grading, tests and regents exams!  The girls and I laughed and grew to be good friends.  In the last month of the year, we had to give up the sewing machines to the middle school teacher.  So, I decided we would learn to knit and crochet.  I knew how to start knitting, but I couldn't finish.  You-tube was the answer to any question I had on the basic skills. I also learned to pearl.  At the very end, we crocheted dish cloths.  It was all very simple stuff, but some of the kids really took off and extended their skills.  The hat was a gift from Jocelyn.  She said, "Mrs. Cobb, look how far I've come in seven years!"  

Jason in back
Nancy, Kendall, Jeremy and Mikyla
My sister Nancy is in Hilton Head to celebrate her son Jeremy's 40th birthday on the 21st.  
How on earth did Jeremy get so old?  
He's the second of the ten grandchildren to hit 40. Justin is next in Sept. 2016.  I'm so glad they could be together for this weekend.  
If my dad were still alive, he would have been 89 yesterday.  He's been gone for nineteen years now.

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