Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day 1103: Je suis Charlie

Today, three Muslim extremists attacked the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris and killed twelve.  Most were journalists who drew political cartoons that satirized the prophet Mohammed and all extremists. They didn't confine themselves to Islam, but skewered all religions.  The men who killed the cartoonists asked for them by name, and then methodically murdered them.  As they ran off, they executed a policeman and shouted that they had avenged the prophet Mohammed.  Another horrifying, senseless attack.  At least senseless to so many in France and here in the US.  How on earth can this extremism be moderated?   How can western values of freedom of expression be reconciled with those who will not tolerate any criticism or commentary?  I am so afraid of what could be next.

The 8th grade winner of the National Geographic Geography Bee, 2014, with Mr. Fabiano.
The runner up was an 8 year old fourth grader!  The kids were amazing!

For a short time today, a bit of sunshine brightened our day, but not enough to go for a walk.  
At 11:30 pm, it's 9 degrees, but with the wind chill, -20.  

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