Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 1104: Junior superheroes

I tackled the student leader chapter today.  It's ten pages on qualifications, duties, challenges, and benefits.  And it's flat and lifeless.  I need more stories to add some personality.  Most of the dozens of stories I've collected have already been used in other chapters.  I like to begin each chapter with an engaging anecdote that I can use to introduce the theme, but there just aren't any appropriate stories left.

So, I generated a short questionnaire to send to the 2015 student leaders with their acceptance letters. Plus, tomorrow, Brigitte is coming over for an interview.  I also need input from the folks who have made the transition to adult leader.  A few of them are coming over on Saturday, if the weather holds. Up to three feet of snow is forecast between tonight and Saturday.

We watched the Quest movies from 2004 and 2005 this afternoon.  There were delightful!  I plan to start the rewrites on the three hikes next and I needed a refresher.  2004 was the year I got poison ivy on my left arm during the two day hike.  On the Wednesday morning we departed on the four day, I felt a little prickling on my back.  By evening, hives had spread over my trunk.  By Friday morning, I was covered from chin to toes.  I kept taking benedryl, but it didn't help.  When we arrived at the Policeman's Grounds, I called my brother to pick me up to visit the doctor.  Then Mary brought me back after I had a big dose of prednisone.  What an adventure!  I had never had poison ivy before that and I haven't had it since.

I wish we had recorded scenes from the one and two day hikes also cause I'd like to revisit the terrain, wild flowers, and trees.  The sensory descriptions need improvement on all three hikes.  We bought a go-pro camera to capture some original footage this year and I definitely plan to use it for the descent into the gorge on the two day hike.

It was interesting to see how everyone has changed physically, but how most of what they say and do has stayed the same.  The core of leaders in 2004 and 2005 was the same; Steve, Mike, Jackie, Kathy, Chris, Mark and me.  A few of us were thinner, but a few more were much heavier.  There were only about eight student leaders, but they were terrific young people.

Brilliant sunshine the morning

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