Friday, January 2, 2015

Day 1098: Hidden treasures

Steve is cleaning his office, the loft.  He's fulfilling a promise to me.  He's sifting through mountains of papers for his various jobs, trying to bring order to years of paper chaos.  Each position has folders and binders and boxes of correspondence and clippings.  Backpacking here, EMS Coordinator there, SWREMS over there,  EMT class, musical binders.  Stuff everywhere.

I tackled a box of folders that included taxes from 2003 to 2006, installation directions for our first pool, the building permit for a deck extension and the garage from 1994.  Pay stubs from school and the college.  Some of the envelopes weren't opened, so before I tossed them in the wood stove, I opened them.  My college pay was direct deposited so they were receipts.  Except for three.  Three checks for $200 for supervising student teachers!  I wondered why I never got paid for that job!  They look just like the receipts so they got tossed in the same file.  Oh well.

Another treasure we discovered was a sign made by a student of mine and presented at the senior banquet in 2008, just before I retired.  It said,

Mrs. Cobb
Voted most likely to use a tree instead of a toilet. 
From Melissa ____
Class of 2008

I consider this a complement!

I also found the folder of materials from my trip to Uzbekistan and all the correspondence with dear Zafar.  That's a longer story for another night.  

I tackled the Expedition Behavior chapter today and spent about four hours cutting, pasting, reorganizing, editing and expanding.  I cut material from the Trials Along the Trail chapter on suspected marijuana use and plopped it into Behavior.  I cut content on meeting individual needs from Behavior and switched it to Trials.   I added a whole section on the student contract to Behavior.   The organization of the chapter is more fluid and cohesive now.  Another few hours of editing and it will be done!  After that I will return to the Trials and Triumphs chapter.  I plan to have twelve chapters done by next Friday.  


Soon, the house will be returned to its pre holiday blahs.  But for tonight, we can enjoy the beauty.  

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