Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 1110: Another long day of writing

Life is pretty quiet right now.  No activities to report, but lots of progress on my book.  Cold keeps me in and focused.  My reward for hours of work is doing a load of laundry or running the vacuum.  Or quick reading a chapter of The Boys in the Boat.

 I made lots of progress on the two day hike chapter.  It's already full of fun anecdotes, colorful details and useful information.  I cut a funny incident that is now in the sanitation chapter which I probably have written about here before.  One snowy night, Steve left the tent when he heard a noise. He made a loop around camp and found nothing out of order so he decided to pee.  He stepped off the trail, unzipped and started to go.  All of a sudden, a flash of light hit him.  Horrified, he stopped midstream and zipped up.  When he turned around, there was Heather.  "Mr. Cobb, I can't find my tent."  "Ok, Heather, I'll help you.  Turn around and go back the other way."

Then there was the story of the time our superintendent backpacked with us.  When he was MS principal,  he thought it was important to experience Quest.  Once the crowd was tucked in, we finally collapsed in our tent.  But then, we heard laughing nearby.  Steve went to investigate and found him sitting outside the tent of a two MS teachers.  They were laughing and telling stories and eating  candy!  Steve told him if they didn't settle down, he would call his mother.

I plan to finish this chapter on Friday, or Saturday at the latest.  It's very gratifying to review chapters and find they are farther along than I thought and that I know how to improve them.

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