Today I hit the wall and crashed. I took a nap at 8:00 am and spent much of the day with an ice pack on my head and neck. Steve tiptoed around me, brought ice packs, cold water, ice cream.
After our wonderful weekend, we snapped awake at 4:45 am to get our sons to the airport. By the time we got home, my head was pounding. For months, we've been going full speed, preparing for one event after another since January and today the intense rush finally ended.
The reunion is over, all the work for the garden tour is done, we put Quest to bed and there's no new project coming up in the near future. For the next few weeks, we'll sleep in, stretch out on the deck and read books, swim or walk, watch movies, have fun. No organizing, no hard labor, no deep cleaning. Fun, relaxation and sleep!
Becky Lynn
Lady Dianthus
Good Looking