Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 467: Composing Hike Groups

Composing hike groups takes us a few weeks because it's a complicated process. It's important to get it right so that all needs are met and everyone has a great time.  The board stays on our dining room table for a month and we adjust it as new information is added or schedules change.  

We start with hike group leaders, then add a second adult who will be the back up leader in case of an emergency.  The first aiders are assigned next, followed by the remaining adults.  Always, we seek a balance between experienced and novice leaders, male and female, easy-going and more intense.

Student leaders are assigned provisionally, based on their experience, gender, first aid skills, management abilities and confidence level.  Each hike group will have a mix of veteran and novice student leaders.   The other big complication is that student leaders have so many other commitments like AP exams, softball games, concerts, trips or track competitions.  They may be traveling in and out or they might miss a whole trip.  We have to provide a back up or partner supervisor.

Next, we examine all the health forms carefully.  All the students with major medical issues or medications are assigned to my group so Steve can tend to them if necessary.  Secondary medical issues go to Kathy who is also an EMT.   Often we put the more emotionally fragile or lonely students with Mike or Jackie.

If we have information that students may pose discipline problems, have social anxieties or have handicapping conditions, we put our strongest student leaders with them along with an adult.

Every group gets juggled around a several times.  I enjoy the process because it's like a huge puzzle.

Yellow notes = Hike group leaders
Blue notes = adults
Purple notes = student leaders
Pink notes = 8th grade cook groups

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