Thursday, October 20, 2016

Day 1749: Back in the Saddle

Finally, I've fulfilled or pushed all other obligations to the side and have returned to my book!  It's been extremely frustrating to have so many other tasks to complete before I could restart the work.  So, I have been focusing on the title today.  Seems like this would have been settled long ago, but it's not.  Several times, I've said, "that's it!" and then changed my mind.  I do know that I definitely want to include the word Quest in the title because that's the hook for my known audience.

I also reviewed my query letter, the concluding chapter and notes from a couple reviewers.  Then, I made a list of the tasks that remain.  I'm setting November 18 as the deadline to submit the query letter and finish the final editing.

Just a little foggy on the Cassadaga ridge.
By the time we reached crested the ridge and approached the lake plain, it was completely clear. 

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