Trump's latest disgusting revelation: a tape from 2005 where he describes the groping of a married woman and his quest to f... her, to grab her p.... People are expressing outrage, but that is so fake! He has always been a repugnant piece of trash and this newest video is part of his sociopathic pattern. The party has enabled him for sixteen months, attaching their quest for power to his star, those spineless congressmen compromising principles and abandoning all morality. Republicans are in two camps: those finally fleeing too late and those embracing him despite the tape. Our congressman, Tom Reed, has refused to repudiate him. The worst part is that people know this about him yet they still support him. Some sixty percent of people surveyed in our area say the revelations will NOT lead them to change their vote.
For a few hours, I worked on making both a slide show and memory book of our trip to Australia. I have so many photos that they would bore anyone, so I trimmed the number to about a hundred that best represented our experiences. There's probably an excessive number of pictures of Australian wildflowers and animals that no one else will be interested in. Those products should be finished tomorrow and that will free up the computer. I'll post pictures tomorrow.
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