The twenty-first chapter is completed! Recruiting and enrolling was a tough chapter because it was so procedural and I had to humanize by adding anecdotes. I spent over an hour with Margaret and gained new insights into her experiences. Her comments will be especially valuable in the final chapter.
Tomorrow, I'm planning to read all the material I've collected for the first and last chapters. As I've written concluding paragraphs for each chapter, I've thought, "oh, I should put that thought in the introduction!" I've allotted three weeks for this task, but may need more time.
Colin and April and their kitties will be flying out to California tomorrow evening. Today was their last day at work in NYC. I'm sure it was hard for them to say goodbye to the many good friends they've made over the last four and a half years. Although it will be a challenging transition, I'm sure they will succeed and thrive. We are so very proud of them!
Drizz't is the rascal, temperamental, vocal and sometimes aggressive.
The challenge will be keeping him quiet on the plane.
Oscar is the scaredy cat, nervous, a bit neurotic and shy.
He gets so frightened that he wets himself.
The kids love them so much. I hope the sedative helps keep them calm.
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