Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Day 1450: The Force Awakens

We were transported back in time this afternoon.  Star Wars, The Force Awakens, was showing at Quaker Crossing and we made the trek north to see it with our sons.  For years, whenever a new Star Trek or Star Wars movie was released, the excitement would mount in our house.  We're all science fiction fans and particularly favor Star Trek.  This movie was ok, not something I would watch again, but the guys liked it very much.  What I enjoyed most was spending the afternoon together and engaging in lively follow-up conversations.  They are such good company.

Merry Christmas to all!

Although it looks dismal, it was a great day for a long walk because of the 53 degree temperature.  
The warmth may be disorienting for folks and disruptive for many businesses, but I am not complaining.  Last winter was so harsh that I do not miss the cold.

Our friends, Rachel and Jon, invited us for a traditional Italian meal.
What a feast!

This house on Reese Parkway is always spectacular at Christmas.  In fact, there are so many brilliantly lit decorations, they can be seen from outer space.  This family used to live across the street from us when the boys were growing up.  They decorated heavily back then, too, but it was nothing compared to this! 

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