Monday, December 7, 2015

Day 1437: A date that will live in infamy

When I spoke with Nancy tonight, she asked if I did anything much today.  Just a bit.  I finished the Servatius era chapter and worked on a second, paid bills, mailed Christmas cards, did all the laundry, shopped, walked four miles, made spaghetti and meatballs for dinners this week, fried chicken cutlets and beans for lunch, sorted sweaters, made phone calls and conducted a parent meeting in Brocton.  Now, I've hit the wall.

Six parents attended tonight along with their kids.  Three girls and three guys.  Marie was thinking fifteen would come, but we knew that wasn't realistic.  We are so excited to have her as part of our team.  We also met the new principal and she is interested in attending the one day hike.  That would be terrific, but we'll see if it actually happens.

I'm now ready to present the history chapters to Lee, the mastermind behind Quest.  I hope he likes what I've written.

Tonight we watched a special on the bombing of Pearl Harbor which happened Dec. 7, 1941.  I was particularly struck by the courage, strength and dignity of Franklin Roosevelt.  Not just in a moment of crisis, but for the duration of the war and before that during the depression, his steady leadership and perseverance shone through like a beacon.  He could not walk, but he carried this nation and led the world to victory.  

Then in comparison, we have monstrous Republican candidates for President who will never be half the person that Roosevelt was.  NONE OF THEM.  Today Trump called for a ban on all Muslims entering the US.  This racist bigot spews hate, promotes fear and paranoia.  The world is full of serious challenges and we need a thoughtful, experienced, rational human being as our president.  It terrifies me to think one of those creeps could be elected.

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