Thursday, December 31, 2015

Day 1459: New Year's Eve

Looking back over 2015, it was a very good year.  My children continue to be happy, healthy, employed and insured.  Steve and I are healthy and engaged in purposeful work.  Mary has completed her radiation and is considered cancer free.  Despite her sadness and grief, Nancy has tackled many challenges of living alone and has fashioned a busy, productive life.

Yesterday, Colin, April, Frizz't and Oscar survived their flight across the country and are now at home in Los Angeles. They found a nearby diner, so all is well.

For me, the biggest stories of the year would be:
1. My book is a few weeks away from completion!  It has been an all consuming endeavor, but I am so very proud of it.
2. I swam 109.5 miles this summer!
3. We took an exciting trip out west and traveled 1800 miles through seven national parks in Utah and Arizona.
4.  My one health event was a macular hole that was magically healed with a very expensive injection of jetrea.  Hooray for modern medicine!
5. We also traveled to Nags Head, NYC several times, Columbus and of course, the trails of Chautauqua County by backpacking.

What's the plan for 2016?
1. Publish and promote my book!
2. Swim another 100 miles.
3. Travel to Scotland in May and Australia in September.
4. Visit our kids in California and NYC, sisters in Louisville and Columbus.
5.  Have another successful backpacking season with four schools!
6. Cut back on carbs and increase exercise.

So, Oscar's great adventure!
As Colin said, "a little pee and a lot of meowing," but they survived.  He said he has never been so glad there were several babies on board who screamed because they drew the attention instead of the cats.  Toward the end, Oscar somehow escaped from his carrier and was about to take off when April caught him by the tail!  They were on the ground in NYC for an extra 90 minutes so the poor cats were starving and thirsty.  So were Colin and April.  They arrived at the apartment at 2:00 am their time or 5 am our time, totally exhausted.  They unpacked the new litter boxes and air mattress, made a little cardboard house for the cats to hide in and fell into a deep sleep.  This morning they did a hunt for Oscar and found him behind the refrigerator.  Where else? 

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Day 1458: And they're off!

They're on their way!  The flight took off at 8 pm with two little kitties tucked in under the seats and two nervous parents settled in for their long journey.


He hissed at the security agent and scratched Colin's arm, but otherwise, he's ok.
We have to wait till tomorrow to find out how the trip went.

I finished the draft of the preface this morning.  It actually made me choke up a bit because I wrote about what drove me to write about Quest and my hopes for the future.  The last seven years have been a huge investment and the book has consumed nearly all my time and energy from November to March.  My friend Kate joked that I'll be experiencing some major postpartum depression when the whole process is over.  With any luck, I'll be spending my time promoting my book and writing new ones. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Day 1457: Musical staff meeting

Another musical season has begun!  Of course, work has been underway for a couple months.  Auditions are over and roles have been cast, sets are designed,  lighting plans are in process, costume ideas are being tossed around.  This was our first staff gathering and it's always a joy to reunite with such close and loyal friends.  I really missed them.

 The twenty-first chapter is completed!  Recruiting and enrolling was a tough chapter because it was so procedural and I had to humanize by adding anecdotes.  I spent over an hour with Margaret and gained new insights into her experiences.  Her comments will be especially valuable in the final chapter.

Tomorrow,  I'm planning to read all the material I've collected for the first and last chapters.   As I've written concluding paragraphs for each chapter, I've thought, "oh, I should put that thought in the introduction!"  I've allotted three weeks for this task, but may need more time.

Colin and April and their kitties will be flying out to California tomorrow evening.  Today was their last day at work in NYC.  I'm sure it was hard for them to say goodbye to the many good friends they've made over the last four and a half years.  Although it will be a challenging transition, I'm sure they will succeed and thrive.  We are so very proud of them!

Drizz't is the rascal, temperamental, vocal and sometimes aggressive. 
The challenge will be keeping him quiet on the plane. 

Oscar is the scaredy cat, nervous, a bit neurotic and shy.
He gets so frightened that he wets himself.  
The kids love them so much.  I hope the sedative helps keep them calm.  

Monday, December 28, 2015

Day 1456: Writing all day

My sister left town at 6:30 am and drove through the torrential rains of winter storm Goliath till 3:30. She's exhausted, but safely tucked in at home in Louisville.  It was wonderful to have her join us for Christmas this year, the first Christmas in forty-five years that we've spent together.  But I know it was very hard to be away from her own children and granddaughter.  It probably won't happen again for many more years, so I'm glad we had this time together.

Except for an hour walk after lunch and an hour for dinner prep, I worked all day on the Cobb history chapter and finished about 8:30.  Tomorrow, I'll proofread it one more time and then put it to bed.  It went much faster than I expected, so I'll have two and a half weeks to complete the last two chapters if I am to reach my Jan. 15 goal.

Tomorrow morning I'm interviewing Margaret for the final chapter on the legacy of Quest.  I'm sure her insights will be very valuable.  It will be the toughest chapter to complete because I have the least amount written for it.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Day 1455: Empty house

Our sons left by 8:30 am after a wonderful week together.  They drove through hours of heavy rain, but made it home safely.  I was in my PJs at 6:00, took two tylenol, drank lots of water, and settled into my chair with kitties sleeping by my side.  Time to recover from a week of indulgence, a busy schedule and lots of company.

This morning I finished the enrolling and recruiting chapter!  Woohoo!  Next on the agenda is the Cobb era history chapter.  At noon we visited with Shane and offered him a new job on Quest:  Hike group leader.  He will either take my place or that of another leader who is struggling with health issues.  We have complete confidence in him and he's ready for the next challenge.  Now, we just have to wait and see what the start date will be for his summer job.  Hopefully, it will be after May 21, 2016.  He will be the first Quest hiker ever to transition from 8th grader to student leader to adult leader and then hike group leader.

Everyone has now booked their trips to Scotland!  Seven of us will be traveling together, Steve and I, Mary, Nancy, Laurie, Steve and Rachel!  Among many attractions, we'll be visiting the Isle of Skye and the town of Culross where Steve's ancestors lived.  Very exciting!

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Day 1454: Boxing Day

Nephews, niece, sister, brother, sons, husband.  Morning computer updates, leftovers for lunch, Star Trek The Movie, pizza and salad supper, a full thirteen rounds of dominoes, Star Trek into the Darkness.  Happy day!

Nancy, Brad and Sarah

Evan, Steve and Justin

The whole crew

Friday, December 25, 2015

Day 1453: Merry Christmas!

It was an incredible day!  We are blessed with a loving and generous family and surrounded by wonderful friends.  Today, I am again reminded of our good fortune.

The house is now quiet and we are relaxing by watching Harry Potter and The Sourcer's Stone with Justin and Evan.  We were able to Skype with Alexandra and Lisa this morning and Alexandra was practicing her new flamingo wings.  Then this afternoon, we Skyped with Colin and April, Drizz't and Oscar.   It was so good to see their faces.  They are all packed and ready to move on Wednesday.  Tonight, for fun they were going to see Star Wars.

After opening a mountain of presents, we took a long walk on this 50 degree day and then played a few new games.  One called Sushi Go was cute, but ultimately we returned to the old standby of dominoes.  We've eaten so much over the last few days that we can barely move, but tomorrow we have to eat the stollen that Justin brought from NYC and lots of leftovers.  It's a tough job, but we'll manage.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Day 1452: Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Justin's specialty: Kawara Cha Soba
Everyone loved it!

Butchy says Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Day 1451: Baklava, wings and Kawara

There is enough food in this house to feed a small army.  I made another run today and collected potato rolls from Upper Crust and feta stuffed olives from Tuscany.  Besides all that we've stockpiled from multiple shopping trips, Nancy arrived today laden with gifts.  She brought loaves of banana and cranberry bread, crackers and dips, a huge box of baklava,  three tins of cookies from her sister-in-law and tins of Chinese foods from her brother-in-law.    So, what did we do for dinner tonight?  Why Whiskey Hill of course!

Mary delivered a huge chunk of beef for us to roast for our Christmas Eve party.  Evan is making a strawberry fields salad, Rachel is preparing a dessert, Mary is making two more desserts and lobster tails.

Justin will be making Kawara Cha Soba.  It's the main dish of the Koaru's home town in Japan.   Kawara is the name of a ceramic shingle that is used as a serving dish.  Cha is for tea and Soba is buckwheat noodles.  It's made from the soba, Daikon, thin sliced meat called Kiriotoshi, scallions, lemon and an egg omelet called Usuyaki tamago.  It will be an adventure for all of us!

I've loved having my sons here this week and now my sister, too.  Colin and April are relaxing for a few days before their big move, but have sent us cute photos and messages.  Family, friends, loved ones.  That's what Christmas is about for me.

I was so tired today I fell asleep in the chair, but Steve and Mary are especially exhausted.  It will be good to rest over the next few days. I'll put up a photo tomorrow.

65 degrees today.  Crazy!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Day 1450: The Force Awakens

We were transported back in time this afternoon.  Star Wars, The Force Awakens, was showing at Quaker Crossing and we made the trek north to see it with our sons.  For years, whenever a new Star Trek or Star Wars movie was released, the excitement would mount in our house.  We're all science fiction fans and particularly favor Star Trek.  This movie was ok, not something I would watch again, but the guys liked it very much.  What I enjoyed most was spending the afternoon together and engaging in lively follow-up conversations.  They are such good company.

Merry Christmas to all!

Although it looks dismal, it was a great day for a long walk because of the 53 degree temperature.  
The warmth may be disorienting for folks and disruptive for many businesses, but I am not complaining.  Last winter was so harsh that I do not miss the cold.

Our friends, Rachel and Jon, invited us for a traditional Italian meal.
What a feast!

This house on Reese Parkway is always spectacular at Christmas.  In fact, there are so many brilliantly lit decorations, they can be seen from outer space.  This family used to live across the street from us when the boys were growing up.  They decorated heavily back then, too, but it was nothing compared to this! 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Day 1449: Space X Success

For the first time in history, a Falcon R rocket was launched and the first stage landed on earth successfully!  Cheers erupted from the crowd at the Space X facility in Cape Canaveral.   The second stage is deploying eleven satellites and then will burn up in the atmosphere.

We had the most wonderful day trimming the tree, baking cookies and talking.  Long, interesting, complex, deep conversations.  So refreshing and satisfying.  We are so fortunate to have such loving, brilliant sons.

Evan trimming the tree while Paddy helps.

Cookie time!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Day 1448: Yorkshire pudding mishaps

It's been a long time since I made a Yorkshire pudding.  Usually I use the blender to mix the flour, milk, salt, eggs and oil.  I poured in all the dry ingredients while the oil was heating in a 425 degree oven.  No problems until I added the milk and it leaked out the bottom.  I quick dumped the ingredients into a bowl while Steve fixed the gasket.  I started again, put the batter back in the blender and added more milk.  It leaked all over again.  I dumped it out and missed the bowl.  Clumpy batter spilled on the counter and down the cupboards.  I scooped out what I could salvage, got out the mixer to blend in more milk.  Success.  I poured the batter into the hot grease and closed the oven.  When I turned around, there were the eggs on the counter.  There's no way the pudding will rise without eggs.   Steve suggested whisking them into the batter.  So that's what we did.  I didn't think the pudding would survive, but it was delicious! 

No smiles cause their mouths are full.  No pictures, MOM! 
 I'm happy to have them home!

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Day 1447: NCIS all day

Gibbs' rule number 9: Always carry a knife.  I never carry a knife, but I could watch NCIS all day and and today we nearly did.  Decorating, NCIS, vacuuming, NCIS, beads up on tree, more NCIS.  DiNozzo's rule #3 Never underestimate your opponent.  My opponent: time.  There just isn't enough to do everything I want to do.  So, I know I shouldn't watch any tv.  Rule 51: Sometimes you're wrong.  But sometimes you have to rest and veg out.

It was hard to sleep because I was thinking about all the applicants for student leader. I figured out a solution that will be fair, but painful for all those who will have to wait another year.  It's very encouraging that so many wish to backpack.

The house is full of food, clean, decorated and ready for our family Christmas.  Now, it's time for fun and relaxation!

First snow! 

It's taken weeks, but we finally finished the Arches puzzle, 
just in time to clear the table for family meals. 

Friday, December 18, 2015

Day 1447: Application central

Thirty seven applications.  Wow!  I think it's the most candidates ever.   Most of them were submitted today and a bunch returned the attached information sheet that they were instructed to keep.  Wonder if they ever even read the directions, expectations and dates.  

Fifteen are returning veterans, if we take them all.  Several are new seniors and juniors and then there are a slew of Freshmen.  Two new girls from Silver Creek applied as well as one new student from Brocton.  How many can the expedition absorb if there are seventy hikers?  How many cook groups can we supply and will we have to expand to five hike groups?  This is going to be very tough.  

Paddy, our snow boy, sat on the picnic table for a couple hours enjoying our first real snow.  It's feeling more like Christmas, although high temps next week will melt all the snow.  CBS News even did a report tonight from Buffalo because the conditions are so unusual.  The garlands are quite spectacular and the house looks better every day.  Now on to the tree and wrapping presents!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Day 1446: My dog ate my application!

Decorations down from the attic, tree up, lights on, all with a minimum of fuss and swearing.  We seriously considered getting a new smaller tree and letting the next house owner wrestle the old one down those rickety stairs, but practicality won out.  The tree is beautiful, but so heavy and hard to handle that getting it downstairs and set up is a chore.

We've got a lifetime of memories and treasures in that attic that need to be sorted.   The stove Steve's dad made for Evan when, at age four, he wanted to be a baker.  Multiple sets of construx and erector sets that Justin built spaceships with.  Gear that Colin sent back from Korea and never even unpacked.  The quilt my great grandmother made for me when I was ten and the matching sweaters my mom knit for herself and dad.  How can I get rid of any of it?

I spent two hours working on the recruiting and enrolling chapter and made significant progress.  I got to thinking that this is actually the end of the planning stage in many ways.  Every other aspect of the program must be set before any recruiting can take place.  We could not convince parents to permit their children to participate unless the entire program was set.

The cast list for Aida was posted this afternoon.  As we expected, Graciela and Kate and got the leads.  With this cast and crew, this year we'll win it all at the Kenneys!

Tomorrow is the deadline for student leader applications.  On Tuesday, we had four.  When I called the Brocton secretary this morning, she had two in her possession.  This afternoon, one of the girls ran into Steve in the parking lot and suddenly remembered her application.  Stuffed in her backpack, she extracted a crumpled sheet.  Tonight, two neighbor boys delivered applications chewed by their dog!  Steve will pick up the rest tomorrow afternoon and then we'll see who has paid attention to the directions, announcements, texts, Facebook posts and reminders.

Bazinga!  Sheldon's favorite retort when he tells a joke.  It is not an accepted word!

The tree is up, lights are lit!  

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Day 1446: Christmas preparations

We spent the day on Christmas preparations. No rush, after all, there's a whole week left.  Instead of a trip to Roswell, Steve and I went to Orchard Park and got a lot of shopping done.  No wrapping yet, but I have lots of bags.  A week before Christmas and Kohls was crazy, way too crowded for me, and the visit was fruitless.

For evening entertainment I spent a few hours decorating garlands while Steve was out at another meeting.  Several garlands are draped with beads and red balls, but the rest still need a few more hours.  We'll start on the tree on Friday.  The house is a complete disaster with bins and bags everywhere, the vacuum still sitting in the living room.  Tomorrow, Wegmans!  Fun lunch buffet and a ton of grocery shopping.  A whole week with a house full of family!  Hooray!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Day 1445: Student leaders

I think it's finished.  Junior Superheroes.   Such an important chapter.  I spent so many hours and fine tuned just a few points.  To take a break we did a bit of shopping and got completely overwhelmed with crowds and noise.  I said, not for the first time, why do we always wait to the end?  I really don't like shopping any more except if I'm alone on a Monday morning when just other little old ladies are out and about.  When I came back, I moved the conclusion into the challenges section and knocked out a new conclusion quickly.  Then we visited with Amy for an hour over ice cream.  When we returned I moved a paragraph out of the middle to the beginning.  Now I have a new introduction.  It's fluid now and I'm happier.  I can't add any more.

As of yesterday only four students have submitted applications for the 2016 season.  The deadline is Friday and it's crazy that they've left them for the last minute.  Not surprising, but very annoying. Hopefully, our veterans won't forget and miss the cut off.  

Monday, December 14, 2015

Day 1444: Interviews

Emma, Anna, Clare, Haley, Gwen and Corey entertained me for a half hour with their stories of Quest.  I was all prepared with questions and had new batteries in my voice recorder, but as soon as I pressed record, the message said, "Memory full."  No problem, I used my phone.

They related a few great stories I hadn't heard.  Emma's tale of charging through the games with the bright pink trowel for a girl with "poop" problems was hilarious.   Both Emma and Haley revealed they lost their way during the night when they went out to go potty.   Emma was too embarrassed to use her whistle and Haley had left hers in the tent.  They revealed some of the difficulties they've encountered too.   Gaining the respect of the eighth graders, the first dinner, resisting temptations to goof off.

I wish we could have had more time, but the kids were running off to their call backs, practices and events.  Time with them was really worthwhile and they were so passionate they made me tear up.    Transcribing is quite a job, though, cause they talk so fast!

My lilies are confused by the record high temperatures.  

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Day 1443: Penelope Party

Our annual Penelope Christmas party tradition is coming to an end.  For many years, we have met at Pat's house to celebrate with good food, funny presents and lots of love.   Now her husband is in a nursing home and soon she'll be moving into an apartment with assistance.  Life changes.  When I look around the room, I see dear friends from the past thirty years and we are all aging.  Pat is the pioneer, taking those first steps to the next stage before the rest of us.

I spent a few hours on the student leader chapter today and I'm really happy with it.  It's filled with personal stories and colorful anecdotes.  I messaged Molly to get her perspective on being a student leader from a partner school.  Her comments filled a tiny gap perfectly.  Tomorrow, I'm meeting with six kids at 2:20.  I want them to tell me what about Quest gives them joy.  I'm sure I can finish the chapter on Tuesday.   Then on to recruiting!

It was so warm today that I wore shorts for our walk through town!  We may finally get snow next weekend when lots of folks will be traveling.

Just a few turkeys

Carol's famous chocolate zucchini cake

Pat and Sarah

Saturday, December 12, 2015

1442: Her majesty

Grand total number of parents attending a parent meeting from Fredonia: 49, Silver Creek:5, Brocton: 6, Cassadaga: 21.   Eighty-one possible participants, but we were still disappointed.  Not in the total from all schools, but in Fredonia.  The total is only 43% of the class.  In good years, fifty percent or more enroll.

Today's meeting started at 10:00 am.  At 9:50, one father was present.  At 9:55, three more arrived.  At 9:59, ten strolled in.  The rest were late.  Why must everyone wait till the very last minute?  On the other hand, a dad from Cassadaga was bursting with enthusiasm and is planning to call the parents of his son's friends.   He volunteered to sponsor a child who may not be able to pay the fee and to work on the supply truck.  None of the Fredonia parents volunteered.  

Another day of temps over 60 degrees has encouraged the forsythia and primrose in our side yard to start blooming.

After first breakfast, second breakfast, and elevensies, we told Molly to go take a nap.  When we came home from school, there she was sleeping on her throne.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Day 1441: Wings and things

Radiation treatment number nine complete!  Almost half way.  Steve was sleeping hard when the alarm went off this morning.  He's been a rock for his sister, as he always is for all of us.  I went with them yesterday so we could talk about our trip to Scotland and Christmas plans.  It's an hour drive just past rush hour and I could see the strain on him.  I'm glad they both can rest this weekend.  All we have to do is one more parent meeting tomorrow morning and then the rest of the weekend is free for fun and Christmas prep

I reviewed the classes chapter one more time this morning and put it to bed.   So the  three medium chapters left to finish are recruiting and enrolling, student leaders and the Cobb era history.  I set up interviews with six current student leaders for Monday afternoon to collect just a few fresh insights.  The chapter is basically done, but I want to add new voices and stories to give it a bit more spirit.   I will work concurrently on the enrollment chapter which also needs a couple new stories.  I think I'm going to add the crying parents story since that elicited our first two full enrollments this week.  

After lunch Steve had to make another run to Orchard Park with me for my checkup with the retinologist.  The left eye is healing beautifully, but there are suddenly changes in my right eye.  I told  Dr. B I blame the whole mess on forty years of grading papers.  

Sixty-two degrees and a balmy breeze made this feel like a spring day. The same is predicted through Monday.   We did a few miles of walking in between events and topped off our day with a fish dinner with wings at Whiskey Hill.  Delicious, homemade food.  YUM!  I am so grateful for the positive report from the doctor, for Mary's return to good health, for Steve's endurance, for significant book progress and lovely December weather.

December snapdragons

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Day 1439: Birthday Boys

Another sixteen Fredonia parents and one more Silver Creek parent attended the meeting tonight.  So, that puts our current tally at 38 Fredonia, 6 Silver Creek, 6 Brocton and 19 Cassadaga.  Saturday is the last opportunity for folks to attend and then their kids will be eligible to do Quest.  Many of the families tonight were veterans.  I hope we have at least twenty-five more on Saturday.

Evan had a wonderful birthday, but Colin spent his home ill cuddling with his cats, Drizz't and Oscar. It's funny that our sons Justin and Evan are three years, three months and three days apart.  Then Evan and Colin are four years and a day apart.  It's hard to believe they are 36 and 32.  I don't feel old enough to have kids that old!  They are kind, thoughtful and talented men who lead happy, productive lives.  We are so very blessed.

Evan and us

Colin and April

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Day 1438: Team Cassadaga

Wow!  Cassadaga continues to blow us away.  As we were ringing the front doorbell of the school, the principal, Josh, zipped in from his car with his little girl to let us in.  He set up the multi purpose room, connected my computer, greeted all the parents and students, then stayed for the entire meeting.  Kelly was an outstanding advocate.  She sent home letters, called parents and set up a raffle for students as an incentive to attend the meeting tonight.  She gave us a beautiful introduction and offered comments throughout the presentation to clarify certain points.

While we talked, a few parents were furiously taking notes.  No one was texting.  Afterward, one dad came up to introduce himself.  It seems that he was part of the 1979 Atlantis expedition.  He said he doesn't remember the difficulties, just that he had a great time.  He was part of the group that rappelled down the side of Rockefeller Arts Center.  He remembers the leeches and cooking dehydrated foods over sterno cans.  He still has his backpack and lots of other gear.  The only trick? Convincing his daughter to go.

Our son had a wonderful birthday.  He told me it was one of the best ever.  His colleagues and friends were so kind, generous and sweet, they made it an unforgettable day.  He was more conscious than ever of his many blessings.  It was good to hear.

I spent many hours today on the classes chapter and made significant progress.  All in all, it was a great day, as long as I didn't look at any news.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Day 1437: A date that will live in infamy

When I spoke with Nancy tonight, she asked if I did anything much today.  Just a bit.  I finished the Servatius era chapter and worked on a second, paid bills, mailed Christmas cards, did all the laundry, shopped, walked four miles, made spaghetti and meatballs for dinners this week, fried chicken cutlets and beans for lunch, sorted sweaters, made phone calls and conducted a parent meeting in Brocton.  Now, I've hit the wall.

Six parents attended tonight along with their kids.  Three girls and three guys.  Marie was thinking fifteen would come, but we knew that wasn't realistic.  We are so excited to have her as part of our team.  We also met the new principal and she is interested in attending the one day hike.  That would be terrific, but we'll see if it actually happens.

I'm now ready to present the history chapters to Lee, the mastermind behind Quest.  I hope he likes what I've written.

Tonight we watched a special on the bombing of Pearl Harbor which happened Dec. 7, 1941.  I was particularly struck by the courage, strength and dignity of Franklin Roosevelt.  Not just in a moment of crisis, but for the duration of the war and before that during the depression, his steady leadership and perseverance shone through like a beacon.  He could not walk, but he carried this nation and led the world to victory.  

Then in comparison, we have monstrous Republican candidates for President who will never be half the person that Roosevelt was.  NONE OF THEM.  Today Trump called for a ban on all Muslims entering the US.  This racist bigot spews hate, promotes fear and paranoia.  The world is full of serious challenges and we need a thoughtful, experienced, rational human being as our president.  It terrifies me to think one of those creeps could be elected.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Day 1436: Snowtrooper

Steve found this treasure this evening when he was bringing down Christmas decorations.  Justin's old snow trooper from the planet Hoth when he was a kid. 
Everyone is talking about the release of the new Star Wars movie on Dec. 18.  Laurie and her family will be seeing it for their traditional Christmas eve movie.  I just want to see Mockingjay 2!  We are booked every night this week, so we'll go in Wednesday for a matinee.  

Wouldn't this be perfect in Fredonia in the old Carriage House building?
Fredonia could become a destination for classes seeking all-night activities rather than going to Erie to Splash Lagoon.  Brad runs the children's classes and they have 250 kids!  They host birthday parties, host competitions, and lots of daily climbers. It's a big initial investment, but so worth it to have a healthy, positive recreational facility in the community.

This morning I heard from a former student who read my post about Brad's business.  She wants to contact him to make a large purchase for an organization.  Wow! That's one positive outcome from social media.  Scout Climbing Holds is taking off!  Now Brad has to plan for growth.  

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Day 1435: Scout

Our nephew Brad has started a new business based on his love of climbing.  For several years now, he has been developing a line of climbing holds called Scout. He's been building them in an extra room in their apartment where he has a climbing wall for test purposes.  They are sturdy, colorful and cleverly designed.  Now he's ready to start selling.  His employer, Vertical Adventure is very supportive and buys holds from him.  The place was swarming with hundreds of people.  We loved watching the kids scramble up the walls and I wished we had come prepared to climb.  We had another lovely day together.

Brad displays his climbing holds

Vertical Adventure

Friday, December 4, 2015

Day 1434: Yorkshire pudding

It's been a year since we visited Laurie's family.  Whenever we come, she treats us like royalty and today was no exception.  Hugs, photos, laughter.  Homemade soup and sandwiches for lunch, then roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for dinner.  We topped off the evening with a couple rounds of dominoes.  Relaxing, fun and full of love.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Day 1433: No jury duty!

Good news!  No jury duty tomorrow!  We were dismissed so we''ll be on our way to Columbus by 9:00 am!  It will be so good to see Laurie, Brad, Jason, Sarah, and Caitlin!

After spending many hours revising, today I finished the equipment chapter.  I really beefed up the discussion of backpacks, added a section on storage and a conclusion.  I have not done my count of "the" "that" and "so" yet, but I'm very pleased.  Seven more to go!

We held the parent meeting at Silver Creek tonight and four families attended.  Several more parents had told Josh that they would attend one of the other meetings in Fredonia.  One student is the younger sister of our sweet, quiet Moraima who will be a student leader in 2016.  Her day said she loved it and he felt Quest helped her open up and make friends.  We were so happy to hear that.

The building was bubbling with excitement because the school board was meeting to appoint the new superintendent.  We had heard rumors yesterday and there was more speculation today.   Silver Creek lured away Todd, our high school principal.  We are so very happy for him because this is what he has been working toward for a long time.  As we were leaving the building,  we were able to congratulate him and the board president.  It's been good to have consistency in FHS for the past ten or eleven years and it will be difficult to find another principal as good as he has been.

Last night, Steve completed another job, chairman of the SWREMS.  In light of his many years of service to our community, county, state and country, the tribute below to NYC firemen seems appropriate tonight.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Day 1432: San Bernardino

I wonder how many mass shootings I've written about since I began this blog.  Today, two or three shooters attacked a center for people with developmental disabilities in San Bernardino.  Fourteen are dead and seventeen are injured.  Two suspects, a man and a woman, are dead and the hunt goes on for collaborators.  More pain, more fear, more outrage, more incriminations.

My book progress is slow.... Too many interruptions.  Today, I nearly finished the equipment chapter, but it needs a few more hours.  Tomorrow night is the Silver Creek parent meeting so that will take a few hours away.  Then we'll be heading to Columbus sometime on Friday.

But when on Friday?  When we get home tomorrow night, I'll make the call to the court house and find out if I have to report for jury duty on Friday.   The first time I got county jury duty, I spent a morning listening to potential jurors being questioned.  After a short break, we were dismissed because the case was settled.  The second time, I called the night before reporting and was dismissed. What are the chances those outcomes will happen again.  Pretty slim, I'd say.  I would like to serve because the experience would be very educational.

On the roof top deck of Evan's workplace

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Day 1431: First Quest parent meeting

Twenty two families were represented at the first Fredonia parent meeting.  That's a really good turnout for the first night. It was all moms until the last minute when a few dads arrived.  I think mailing the parent letters in October made a big difference.  Last year the school wouldn't do it so we had to count on the kids to deliver the letters to their parents.  I'm sure many never did.  We had already decided to pay for the mailing ourselves if the school refused again, but it wasn't necessary.

One dad approached us at the end and said that his eighth grade son is their fifth child to do Quest.  One of his older daughters had been a student leader for two years and now his son who is a junior also wants to be a student leader.  I love that level of family dedication.  There was also a mom who was once was my student and she did Quest with Justin back in the 1991!

Steve took Mary for her first radiation treatment today.  The dry run yesterday took an hour and today's took fifty minutes.  They promised that the set up time will decrease each day.  It's a very difficult position for her to hold for a long time.  While they were gone, I revised the presentation again and did laundry.  I was finally able to get back to writing and worked a couple hours on the equipment chapter.  My Jan. 15 goal still holds.

Taken at the top of One World Observatory.
The shadow of the tower stretches out before us.

The boathouse in Prospect Park

The pond at Prospect Park

Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 1430: Reflections

Seven hours from door to door.  We left the hotel at 11:00 and made it to the airport without incident at noon.  The big barrier was security.  Eight of their screening lines were closed so traffic backed up for a long time.  The rest of the trip went smoothy and we arrived home at 6:00.  As I look back on our week, there's a lot to think about.

We grabbed a bite, vacuumed, started laundry and downloaded photos.  A couple of my favorites appear here tonight.

Our beloved family