What do I think about another war? I suspect that fighting extremist groups will be the charge for nations of the world for the much of the 21st century. But I think the most important weapons against extremism are education and legitimate job opportunities. So many of the fighters are disaffected youths who are desperate for belonging, status, feeling important. They're angry, vengeful and hungering to inflict pain on others for many reasons, historical, religious and personal. Decent jobs won't change every mind, but some might be prevented from joining the conflict. That would be my naive, idealistic, liberal, long term solution. But, virtually nothing can deter or resolve the centuries old conflict between Sunnis and Shiites. Should the US be involved in that?
On the other hand, my more cynical, historically-trained view is that a strong response is absolutely necessary. Genocide, horrific cruelty, rape, murder, destruction of homes and creating hundreds of thousands of refugees... We have a moral obligation to take action. We can't let another holocaust occur. These groups have taken advantage of our inaction and the chaos in Iraq and they consider us to be weak. There is no negotiating with them, there will not be a political solution. They must be crushed utterly. Even then, it may not be enough because splinter cells will proliferate in communities scattered around the world.
It's so complex, far more sophisticated and insidious than the Cold War conflict. How will the world proceed?
From Gregory, looking south toward Jewett and the library.
We've walked at least three miles per day for several weeks now. We're keeping Steve's knees limber and enjoying the days of late summer as long as we can. Our college campus has to be one of the most beautiful, especially on a glorious day like today.
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