Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Day 1822: Back at it!

I really miss this!  But, I am disciplining myself to spend my time more productively, so I will adjust. My goals for the book are being met, but slowly.  I'm again reviewing each chapter in order to prepare a bibliography.   Very little content is drawn from outside sources, but I do refer to a number of books that Lee and Dave depended on in the early days of Quest.

There are several references in the history chapter to a leader's manual that Lee created as well as early parent letters,  memos and a couple newspapers articles.  I have to research how to cite those items.  The big question is whether it's necessary to list the names of all the people I interviewed over the years or those who completed a questionnaire.  That would probably be close to 200 people!  I've often attributed quotes directly in the text, but sometimes I paraphrase their comments.  What do I do about that?

As I finish each chapter, I am exporting it to a word file so it can be more easily shared.  Once I finish that, I will make a new file linking all the chapters so I can format the whole book.  A major lake effect snow storm has struck so I'm sure we won't be traveling to Orchard Park tomorrow.  Instead, I can knock off a few more chapters.  It should be finished by the weekend.

I have cut nearly all sugar from my diet this week and have been cooking healthy meals with primarily protein and vegetables.  Unfortunately, I had to request a new Silver Sneakers card because I lost mine, so we have not yet signed up for the fitness center.  If we are going to continue with Quest for a few more years, we have to be in good shape.  The side benefit of searching for the card was that it forced me to clean my desk.  Another bit of progress!

Last night Josh delivered the Silver Creek student leader applications and there were five, not three as he had reported.  So, that gives us 48!  It's so hard for me to say no to any of these kids, but we simply can't take twenty of them!

I won't discuss politics tonight because the situation is so awful!  However, I did see interviews with both Chuck Schumer and Bernie Sanders that give me a tiny bit of hope.

Unfortunately, these last five days have been so difficult since our friend's death that it's been hard to concentrate.  Yesterday we went to the funeral home to visit the family and were completely overcome.  Shane collapsed into Steve's arms and sobbed like a baby.  Then he did it again with me as did his mom who is also a dear friend.  Everyone in the place was crying and in shock.  His poor father is 91 and I'm certain never expected to outlive his son.  I won't talk about the circumstances, but it was profoundly sad and unsettling.  We love Shane like a fourth son and my heart is broken for him.

So, I wil report again on Saturday or Sunday.

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