Thursday, January 12, 2017

Day 1824: Sick to my stomach

Horrible dizziness and nausea, so bad I couldn't lift my head from the pillow yesterday.  Flu?  Or maybe disgust with the repeal of the ACA, the hearings held for cabinet appointees, DTs first news conference, the GOP refusal to pursue the Russian interference in the election or any number of other nefarious acts.

But there is hope in action.  I attended the meeting of  CC WAG and am inspired by the passion and dedication of the members.  A full bus load of 64 women from Fredonia will be traveling to Washington to march.  Very exciting!

Then we attended the Fredonia-Pomfret Democratic association meeting, elected officers and began planning for the future.  I've never attended a party meeting before and have only been to three caucuses. The first two were when Steve was nominated by Kara for village trustee and the last when Kara was nominated.  I made more calls to Tom Reed and talked volunteered to serve as as Education Secretary.  As I told his clerk, every single teacher in the entire country is more qualified to serve than she is, except of course, we aren't millionaires who have donated vast sums to DT.

So, what about the book?  I did most of the bibliography on Tuesday.  Since they are not searchable, the format is very simple.  I went through all the transcripts of the interviews and cited the person and date of the interview.  It turned out that I cited about sixty people.  That's not as many as I thought, but still a decent number.

I don't know how much will get done on the book in the next week because new flooring is being installed in the living room from Monday to Thursday.  Over the weekend, strip the room.  On Monday we're ripping out the old carpet, putting down underlayment on Tuesday, then installing the laminate on Wednesday and Thursday.  We're helping Terry to decrease the cost.

Finally started eating this evening and began with ritz crackers.  They aren't on my diet, but I figured since I didn't eat at all yesterday, I could indulge.  YUM!


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