Sunday, May 8, 2016

Day 1586: Mother's Day

I was dead to the world for nearly nine hours.  Not surprising after so little sleep Friday night.  What is surprising is how good I feel.  No soreness, no pain, no cuts or scrapes.  My only wounds are one little bruise and one insect bite on my forehead.  Steve, however, experienced great pain in his back and knees.  Nevertheless, he was up early to clean up from the hike.

Our garage was packed with gear and supplies.  Bags of pots, lids, utensils and frying pans to take to school tomorrow and wash in the big industrial dishwasher.  Leftover food, trash cans, extra gear, fuel cans.  Steve washed all of the stuff sacks, most of the gloves and about half of the cook kit bags.  Thankfully, it wasn't muddy yesterday so they weren't as dirty as usual.   This is part of the job that is necessary, unseen and tedious.

I spent a few hours editing photos, but did not get to post any yet. I also changed the bed, did laundry and mowed the rest of the lawn.  We delivered a box of broken stoves to Chris who had volunteered to repair them.  Then we tackled the profusion of garlic mustard plants in our woods because they are an invasive species that spread rapidly.   I want to pull all of them before they go to seed.

Then I made a roast beef dinner for my brother Steve, Mary and us.  YUM!  We finalized our plans for Scotland and ordered our pounds from a currency service.  The next few weeks are going to be so busy that I wanted to be certain everything was in order for our vacation.

It was wonderful to have long conversations with each of my sons.  I love hearing their voices and all about their lives.  I told them not to send any flowers because my birthday flowers are still thriving and I would much prefer a surprise.  

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