Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 779: Sunny Hudson

It was hard to say goodbye to our precious sons and daughter and return to our busy routine. They are all so gracious and welcoming, but they have their own lives and we don't want to be in the way.  We did not realize they'd all be off today, so we could have stayed another day.

It was good to have a brief escape, but there's so much on Steve's schedule for this week that he was getting very stressed out as the train chugged west.  The huge Coast Guard drill is on Saturday, but there are a few more meetings before it begins.  They are simulating a plane crash into Chautauqua Lake with forty passengers.  Four ice fishermen will be fatalities, and the passengers will have various injuries.  Some will have to be plucked from the lake. Coast Guard personnel will fill the roles of victims in the water and their rescuers.   It will be a stressful day.

When we checked the news this morning, we discovered it was minus 14 in Fredonia, while it was 20 in NYC.  By the time we got home at 8:00 tonight, the temp was up to 32!  Predictions for the day of the drill are dreadful.  Flooding is coming later in the week, so actual emergencies could be taking place while half the county is tied up with the drill.

On the long train journey, I was daydreaming about sandals, a gauzy dress and bare legs.  I want to ride my bike, swim in our pool and feel the velvety petals of lovely day lilies.  Winter seems endless.

I have made great progress on the Expedition Behavior chapter.  Between Friday and today, I nearly finished it, so maybe two more days.  In the next week, I intend to revise the first chapter entirely to include the section on getting started and probably rename it.  After that, I will write the conclusion!  I only have fragments of that done, so it will take time.  I am leaving the songs, games and activities till the very end cause that will take a month.  At some point, I must go through the entire book and plan more revisions.

I actually started thinking about getting readers to do fact checking!  I foresee six more months of work revising, editing, seeking consistency and fluidity.  This summer, I will not put it aside.  Looks like I will be alternating laps and chapters.  So close!  So exciting!

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