Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 767: Silver Creek Tally

It will be a small group in Silver Creek, probably three.  I think December was too late to begin promoting the program.  We never had time for a student meeting where we could speak to all the eighth graders.  But, it's a beginning.  Hopefully, next year we can start earlier.

Getting to Silver Creek was rough because heavy snow had been falling for a few hours.  Rt. 20 was icy and slick so I told the seniors not to come.  Bri and Brigitte came anyway.  The two boys, Ryan and Chase, enjoyed the games and I think we set a positive, encouraging tone.  The girl was absent today, so Mr. C. will conduct the class again tomorrow.

The grand total now stands at 67:  58 from Fredonia, 6 from Brocton and 3 from Silver Creek.
Plus, 24 student leaders and about 20 adults.  Tomorrow, we have our first class in Fredonia.  Quest begins!

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