Friday, January 12, 2018

Day 1873: S***hole President

Yesterday, our infantile president was at a meeting where a bipartisan committee of Senators presented an immigration reform proposal.  His reaction, "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries coming here" like Haiti, El Salvadore and African countries?  Repeatedly he referred to these countries in this vile and derogatory way.

Only one Senator in the meeting, Senator Dick Durbin, Democrat of Illinois, was willing to condemn the "hateful, vile, and racist" comments.  Lindsay Graham, who was also present, says he addressed Trump directly about the comments, but he won't condemn him.  Two other republican Senators, David Purdue and Tom Cotton, can't remember hearing the comments.  Sure they can't.  The cowardice and moral corruption of these lackeys makes my stomach turn.

Congresswoman Mia Love, R of Utah, is a Haitian American and she strongly condemned the remarks and demanded an apology.  Sen. Jeff Flake, R of Arizona also spoke out strongly.  So some congress people had the courage to challenge him, but not enough.  Why has this behavior become acceptable?  How has it degraded America's moral authority around the world?  How has it damaged US relationships with other nations?

When I taught, we discussed current events every single day and we did not shy away from uncomfortable or controversial stories.  But, how on earth do teachers tackle this vile, racist language?  And so many of his supporters are unfazed by it.  The impact of this man on the office of the presidency as an institution is profound.  I'm sure he doesn't realize how much he has weakened the nation on the global stage and how much he has diminished the office for future presidents.  One of my hopes is that when he's done, Congress passes laws that formalize many of the norms that he has shredded, like his failure to release his taxes.

I got the December report on the sales of my book today.  Forty-three were sold in December which is a bit disappointing.  That brings the total to 163 in six weeks.  Lovely.

When we got up this morning, the temperature was 56 degrees.  Now, it's 22 and heading down.  Rapid thaw = flooding + rapid freezing = ice.  Steve was out at flooding in Silver Creek yesterday, but they were lucky and the ice passed right through and spilled out into the lake.  Crazy winter.

I took this shot of two resilient little pansies in a backyard pot yesterday.  
I love pansies.  Although they appear colorful and delicate on the surface, they are actually very tough.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, release of taxes will happen and will be instrumental in showing Russian loans and money laundering.
