Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Day 1872: Dianne Feinstein, my hero!

Today, Dianne Feinstein, ranking Democratic member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, released the testimony of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson.  It's 310 pages that I have to read soon!   It reveals Trump's money laundering activities and other criminal acts, yet the Republicans have been trying to suppress the information and refused to release the papers.  The public has the right to know everything about the Russian influence on our election and on Trump.

It's been almost all politics for the last week.  At CC WAG on Saturday, we heard from Democratic hopefuls Ian Golden and Max Della Pia.  Saturday night, we attended a meet and greet house party for Tracy Mitrano.  Tonight, we met seven of the candidates for the congressional seat at the Democratic Party meeting at the library.  All of these candidates would be serve NY 23rd better than Tom Reed, but I favor Tracy.  Although each of them has strengths and weaknesses, she has depth, experience, humanity, knowledge and compassion.

I've not felt this hopeful in more than a year.  There's a lot of hard work ahead of us and we'll all have to work together to make the blue wave a tsumami!

Tomorrow night I'm hosting book club and we're discussing The Book of Joy which is a series of conversations between the Dalai Lama and Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa.  It's a moving and thoughtful book that should stimulate significant discussion.

I spent all of yesterday working to decide on student leaders for the 2018 expedition, writing letters, making copies and then sending them out.  We took 25 and four alternates.  Since we don't know how many kids will enroll, it was difficult as it always is.

Then today, I framed some favorite photos to hang in the living room. It's a job I've wanted to do for years.

It's late and I have so much to do tomorrow.  I don't understand.  I'm not writing for hours of every day, yet I feel rushed and overbooked.  Next week will be better.

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