Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Day 1789: First Rejection

So, yesterday I got my first book rejection.  I had researched Western NY Wares very closely and felt confident that it was an excellent match for my book.  It publishes only books about western NY history, architecture, communities and personalities.

The response said first that they are not taking any new manuscripts in 2017 or 2018 cause they are already scheduled to revise current publications.  OK.  I get that.

Then, he said that most of their titles focus on Erie and Niagara Counties.  Did they not know that Chautauqua County is right next door?  He has no vision.  Ok, I can live with that, too.

But then the insulting part came.  He recommended that I consult the Writer's Market to locate an appropriate publisher for a suitable niche market.  Like I had never heard of the source.  HA!

What he doesn't know is that I have already read all 700 pages of the Writer's Market.  Plus, I read the publication information for every single book that Amazon carries on hiking, backpacking, outdoor adventure education, experiences in nature and hiking trails.  Plus, I hunted through every book list on the same topics.

I don't ever do anything half way.  I was prepared for this submission.  Now, I have to start again.  It's the holidays, we have six parent meetings in the next week and I had to remake the entire parent keynote presentation today because the last two won't open.

I'm tired and scared for the entire world because of the irrational monster preparing to ruin this country.  Now he wants people to lose their citizenship for flag burning which is a constitutional expression of free speech.  And he appointed the wife of the Senate Majority Leader as Transportation Secretary.  Billionaires, moguls, Hollywood financiers, racists.  Garbage.

So, I need a bit of time before I tackle the next submission.

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