Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Day 1776: Ready for battle

Rage lives deep in my chest, pounds in my temple, races through my veins.  I can't sleep and all I want to do is pound something.  I'm trying to channel it, keep occupied and productive, but I still want to rip his face off.  Him and all his cronies.  Spineless Paul Ryan was giddy today as he announced joyfully, "finally we have a Republican government."  Not a US government, not a bipartisan government, just Republican.  And the appointments are so grotesque the KKK is celebrating.  And now they are drawing up plans for a registry for the Muslims.  Steve and I already decided, if that happens, we'll register.  I can't even speak today.

So, instead I wrote a letter to a young man who I believe would be an excellent candidate for Congress.  I've been following the career of the mayor of Ithaca, a very young man with a brilliant future and he's the only prominent progressives with a national profile who could challenge our current congressman.  As I see it,  taking back the house is the only way to stop them.  We'll see what he thinks. Tomorrow, more letters and every day after that.

I finished editing the introduction. Only one chapter left.  It hardly seems possible that I am almost  there after nearly eight years. I should be rejoicing, but I can't feel joy right now.  I hope being with the kids for the Quest meeting tomorrow afternoon picks up my spirits.  It's absolutely clear that Quest's emphasis on citizenship, cooperation, environmental stewardship and personal responsibility is more important than ever.

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