Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Day 1542: Back East

From  sunny seventy degrees to thirty with an ice storm moving across southern Ontario.   Our challenge will be to time our escape to the south and avoid the worst of the icing. The trip home will be challenging.  The next month is going to be so busy, we will miss the relaxation and diversions of LA.   Great beaches, terrific restaurants and lots of opportunities.

Honestly, I don't know how the kids ever get any sleep.  Last night, the parking lots were taken over by a film crew and high powered lights lined a couple streets.  We have no idea what they were producing, but the noises were strange. It was like a shipping container was being dragged down the streets.

Tomorrow we're back to our routines and many obligations.  One of the many things we were contemplating is just how long we will continue in these roles.  What will the next five, ten and twenty years going to look like?  67 to 87.  Maybe I will follow in Grandma Gatewood's foot steps.  She did her first through hike of the Appalachian Trail at 67 and the second at age 69 and the third at 77!  Whatever we decide, I know we will not be sitting around!

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