Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Day 1492: First Brocton class

The kids always love the human knot game and it's a great way to start off a new season of Quest.  I couldn't sleep last night in anticipation.  It's just like the first day of school all over again.  So far, only twenty-one Fredonia students have fully registered, plus six from Cassadaga.

A few of the student leaders were going to speak with eighth graders during lunch today to remind them to register, but the entire class was away on a field trip.  We had no idea they'd be gone all day and no one told us.  That's one of the disadvantages of running a program in four schools where you're retired!  Also, there was an inservice day on Monday.  It all spells disaster for enrollment this year.  Our dream of seventy hikers is vanishing, unless we have a flood of responses tomorrow.

It was so beautiful out that we managed to walk another 3.3 miles today.  Another record setting high temperature is on its way tomorrow.  The wind bringing in the warm front is rattling the house and tossing stuff around the yard.  What a contrast from last year when we were looking at negative 15.

Our new Brocton crew!

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