Sunday, January 31, 2016

Day 1490:Title time

Although I've pretty much settled on a title for the book, I keep wondering if it's catchy enough.  Will it draw people in immediately when they see it on a shelf?  Perhaps.  All the chapters need titles also, because I've just been using the subjects as a label.  Today, I worked on creating short, clever titles that are engaging and humorous.  Of course, that task taps into my two greatest weaknesses as a writer.

My favorite title is for the field sanitation chapter: "Dig a Hole and Do What?"  It's not my creation though.  It was courtesy of my friend, Michele.  That's what she screeched when she asked me about going to the bathroom in the woods.  For the food chapter I have, "Cheese, Glorious Cheese,"  which works because lots of people say that when they sit down to lunch.  But then they get pretty academic.  For expedition behavior, it's "Outdoor citizenship."  Not bad, but not much zip.

Fifty degrees and a warm breeze.  Three and a half miles down today. Absolutely wonderful!

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