Thursday, April 23, 2015

Day 1209: Getting excited!

It was full time backpacking today.  Round up my clothing and gear, sort toiletries, pack, consult with the school nurse and assistant principal, replenish med kits, load supplies in the car, rent backpacks, advise student on ineligibility list to do his blue card, make copies, adjust hike groups for new absences, sort t-shirts into cook group units.

Class was all about instructions for Saturday.  Student leaders covered them first, then we hit the main points again.  Then half the kids left the sheet behind when they left.  We ran into a mom as we were leaving.  She was reading one of the extra sheets I left in the office.  Her son had told her he didn't need his pack or his tent on Saturday.  And, he didn't take the sheet.  It will be a very interesting shake down.

We're all getting excited to finally start hiking!  

We must face another day of miserable cold and snow and then it will warm a bit.
The forecast for Saturday is 50 and sunny.  Not too bad.  At least it will be dry and we shouldn't have to worry about hypothermia.
My favorite tidbit to share with the kids:
Backpacking is better when it's cold!  Then your pack is lighter cause you're wearing all your clothes instead of carrying them!

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