We took a 5.3 mile walk on a lovely afternoon full of sunshine, birdsong and budding trees. Down Chestnut St, around Ring Rd, through Fenton Hall for the lavatory, along Forbes to Lambert where we met Shane. We could talk with him forever. He's so full of enthusiasm for life, adventures and learning. I put him in our hike group so we can visit and laugh for all fifty miles. Then we turned east on Newton, rounded over to Main St where motorcylists revved their engines and blasted country music in front of Heenan's. I suspect they saw me put my hands over my ears, because the noise increased as the engines roared in unison. Up West Hill, through Wheelock school and north on Chestnut to home.
I spent the afternoon hours alternating between raking and hauling tons of muddy leaves out the to compost pile and reading my book, All the Light We Cannot See. I had to force myself to put the book down and pick up the rake. The story is set during WWII in St. Malo. The two main characters are a young blind French girl and an orphaned German boy who becomes a soldier. Their stories so compelling!
Molly and Paddy sat by my feet while I read on the back deck. Six hours outside yielded fried forearms and great contentment.
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