Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 517: A hard-working man

The border garden

My hardworking man

Twenty-eight days to go.  More progress on the border garden.  I dug buckets full of onions, those despicable things.  Too bad they aren't edible, or maybe they are.  Then I planted six new hostas and transplanted another ten.  We trimmed trees branches so the gardens will get more sun.  Many of the hostas have been stunted by lack of light and little water last year.   I finished planting the last of the tomatoes and moved six more lilies to the new bed.

Since it was 84 degrees and muggy, I kept jumping in the pool between tasks and managed to swim 100 lengths.  Gliding in the cool water, I am transported and with every stroke, I feel my strength return.  Why did I let swimming lapse over the winter?

Steve spent another day speaking to Doug's classes about Vietnam and they were quite responsive and curious.  That hasn't always been so.  One boy asked him how accurately Vietnam is depicted in movies.  Very thoughtful.

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