Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Day 508: Citizen heroes

The Chautauqua County Fire Chiefs' Association holds a banquet each spring and presents citizens and firemen with awards for the bravery and dedication.  I am always awed by the actions of the honored guests and by the devotion of these firemen and women to their communities.  

Four firemen from Stockton were honored for saving an elderly man and his wife when their car was caught by flood waters covering a roadway.  They pulled both to safety before the car was swept away by the rushing current.

We sat across from a couple who lived in apartment building in Westfield that caught on fire.  They were able to escape and then the man helped a policeman pull an elderly man out of the burning building.  Neither were wearing any protective gear yet they risked their lives in intense heat and smoke.  All the families in the building lost everything, but  they considered  themselves fortunate that they survived.

More astonishing yet was the story of a 16 year old young man who saved his family when their home exploded because of a gas leak.    Last July, a family of four was at home when suddenly their home was rocked by an explosion.  The young man helped his mother and little brother escape then went back after his father who was buried under cupboards and debris.  Just after he removed his father from their home, another explosion leveled  the house.  A week later, they found that he had three compressed discs and a fractured vertebrae.

They also honored two EMS providers, Mike Przybycien and Mike Valvo who taught in Fredonia's EMT program for 35 and 40 years respectively.

Finally, they gave a tremendous tribute to Charlie Smith of Lakewood who was retiring after forty years of service in various roles throughout the county fire service.   Charlie handled the attention with modesty and humility and each speaker treated him with great respect.

I know that one day soon Steve will be in the same position.  He speaks of retiring, but I don't think he can give it up.

Chautauqua County Fire Coordinators

Steve with Mike and Mike

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