Finally, we went out for a long walk in the late afternoon sunshine. Unfortunately, the sidewalks were so slippery that we nearly broke our necks. Turning left onto Temple, we noticed that my favorite tree with the succulent garden had been cut down. Examining the trunk, we could certainly understand why it had to come down. The inside was spongy and hollow. I've chronicled the succulents in every season for several years, and now it may be the end. If they keep the stump, the garden may survive.
The succulents

Lots of progress has been made on the science building since we visited last a few weeks ago. Many of the windows have been installed and the bricks on the eastern wall are complete. The entire building is tightly wrapped, probably so they can do the interior work.
I finished editing the student leader chapter! That's two chapter in one week with a net addition of 1700 words. Now, I have to figure out which chapters to tackle next.
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