Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 151: Checking in

We've been so busy today getting ready for our trip to Iceland tomorrow!  Still, I was able to swim a bit, get my hair cut and go to book club.  Carol's garden is peaceful and shady with delicate ferns and solomon's seal around the perimeter and graceful angels tucked in amid the foliage.  A small sunny bed sported strawberries, rhubarb and poppies.

Hunger Games was the topic of our discussion.  We analyzed the dystopia depicted in the book and compared the pitting of children against each other in a theater of war to many current spectacle sports and historical practices.  Although it was not particularly well-written, the concepts and themes prompted thoughtful conversations.

I finally finished all the tasks on my list, so perhaps we will sleep tonight for we certainly won't sleep tomorrow on the flight!

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