Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 142: Gardening time again

It was a joy to devote most of the day to gardening.  The herb garden was filled with celery and parsley that survived the winter.  I dug up the celery plants and carefully chopped stalks into bits to freeze.  I thought I better taste a piece and found it was terribly bitter so it went into the compost pile.  I clipped the parsley into an ice cube tray and froze it for soup.

The  hostas are fully mature, but browning as if it was August.  We desperately need rain, but only got a few drops.  When our hike groups passed the reservoir on Saturday, no water was flowing down the spillway or the creek.  At Arkwright Falls, the water level was way down.

My birthday topsoil was delivered today!  Half will go in a new vegetable bed, some will expand the dogwood garden and the birdbath garden gets the rest.

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