Colin and April will be here in just a few hours! I can hardly wait! We'll be getting up at 4:30 so we can pick up the kids at 6 am. The house is stocked with groceries, the fridge is full of Colin's favorite beer, the bedroom is spiffy and the bathroom is sparkling! They'll get some relief from the intense heat in California and enjoy the luscious green of our yard. Plus, they'll enjoy time with their friends and family.
I hit 18.8 miles today. It's a bit behind the last two years, but considering the frequency of rain and cold this summer, that's not bad. Last year, the pool was 90 degrees on this date. Today, it was 78 and the air was cool and breezy. It was a good day to finish weeding and mulching the stone wall garden. Now all that's left is about forty feet of the property line garden. It'll be done just in time for a garden party when the lilies peak in a few weeks. About ten different lilies are in bloom now. Time to get out my new camera lenses and practice.
Our poor Paddy took a trip to the vet on Monday to get massive mats of fur shaved off. He looked like he had wings, but now he's got a Mohawk haircut. He's been clinging to me ever since.
Today, I submitted all the captions for the photos and squeezed in a couple more pictures. That's a total of 32 photos in the book. After studying all my photos from the last ten years, I realized that I've been taking the same pictures every year of different people. I wanted to include more variety of scenes in the book, but I just don't have them. Nevertheless, I am delighted with the book. We're on the third mock up and I'm sure the editor will send me a new one tomorrow. The next task is a line by line examination of the entire book. I noticed a few small spacing issues and some titles that need caps. I've been working on ideas for the cover, but I know I'll need help with that cause that requires an expert.
Graduation was lovely as always. Most impressive were the musical performances. Jin played the clarinet, Will was on the saxophone and Matt, who is a tenor, sang without a microphone and filled up the entire concert hall. They gave me goosebumps. I was also very impressed with the guest speaker, Christine Bell, who is an international art dealer. She spoke about the importance of introspection, quiet time alone and putting down their phones to think! Since then we've gone to four graduation parties.
The Republicans have withdrawn their health care proposal because McConnell could not muster the votes. The CBO calculated that 22 million would lose their health insurance, with the greatest portion of them poor, handicapped and older. In fact, the proposal permitted insurance companies to charge folks in their fifties and early sixties up to five times as much as for younger customers. The far right Senators wanted more cuts, while the moderates in states where Medicaid had expanded, feared the cuts. No doubt they will not give up.
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