Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Day 1830: Quest deadlines

Why is it so difficult for people to follow directions?  Parent meetings, documents, student meetings, fifty announcements, emails, phone calls.  Honestly, what more could we possibly do to convey the importance of deadlines?  Steve gets particularly frustrated and it's very annoying, but the roster is almost complete.

Steve is out and we still have to do the counting, but it looks like we have 49 from Fredonia, 14 from Cassadaga and 3 from Silver Creek.  There was no meeting in SC due to a sick child, so we won't know the confirmed number till tomorrow.  Unfortunately, no eighth graders from Brocton enrolled this year.  It's been an uphill struggle there for years.  We have never broken the five student threshold there and two years ago only one student enrolled.  We won't make any final decisions this week, but I'm leaning toward discontinuing our relationship. For nine years we've poured a lot of time and energy into developing that program.  The great thing is that we've developed fantastic friendships between our communities.  Also, the student leaders from Brocton have been absolutely outstanding! We have invited them to join us on the hikes if the principal permits.

The happy surprise is that Cassadaga has enrolled fourteen students!  I met them today and they were absolutely delightful!  Ten girls and four guys with the four male student leaders.  We had a great class with lots of activities, enthusiasm, curiosity and cooperation.  It was uplifting, energizing, validating and encouraging.  The daily progression of horrible news, my heart and mind are so troubled and fearful for the future.  Spending an hour with beautiful young people who are so full of life and hope is helping me cope.

We tore up the kitchen and lavatory floors yesterday.  The toilet sat in the kitchen while all our trim decorated the counters.  Dust everywhere!  Terry and Steve made quick progress.  The lavatory tile is laid and most of the kitchen floor is done.  Tomorrow, we strip out the office floor and create more mess.  Steve's clothes are on the dining room table, his shoes lined up underneath.   All the disruption has had a positive effect in the short run cause we've sorted and thrown out lots of stuff!

Molly's health has consumed us over the last few days. In fact, I am very surprised she is still alive.  For two days she ate nothing and took only a few sips of water.  Then this morning, she came upstairs, ate a little breakfast, looked around and watched Price is Right with Steve.  She's amazing.

There was an attack on mosque in Quebec City and the white Christian nationalist shooter killed six people who were simply praying.  And of course the President cited the incident as cause for the ban. Really?  Another mosque in Texas was set on fire.  There was a quick response.  The rabbi of the local synagogue handed the imam the keys to the synagogue so they could use it for their services.   A Go-Fund-Me page raised over a million dollars in a few days so they can rebuild.

In Texas, every two years the Muslim community holds a Texas Muslim Capitol Day where the teens learn about state government.  In 2015 it was overwhelmed by a crowd who harassed the teens and shouted sickening things at them.  This year, two thousand people turned out to form a human chain around the group to protect them from harassment.  It was inspiring.

I've taken some kind of action every day but Sunday.  Today, I nominated former acting Attorney General Sally Yates for the JFK Profiles in Courage Award.  She stood up for the constitution in opposition to the Muslim immigration ban.  All over the country ordinary people are banding together to resist. Our next target is the Supreme Court nominee.  We are rewriting Democratic strategy every day.

New floor! 

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