Sunday, April 10, 2016

Day 1559: Michael's recital

Our friends and family often wonder why on earth we continue to work on the musicals and backpacking even as we approach 70.  Move south, get a condo, play golf, travel abroad, drive an RV across the country, party, party, party.  No way! Ok, maybe do some of that, but there is little that is more satisfying than working with young adults, helping them grow and discover their abilities.  It's a joy to watch a hundred kids come together to create an extraordinary production like Aida, or Fiddler or Ragtime.

They amaze and delight, frustrate and exhaust, but I wouldn't trade it away.  Then, if we're lucky, they graduate, move on to college and invite us to their senior recitals.  Michael's performance tonight was magnificent.  Opera is not really my thing, but he takes my breath away.  His voice, gestures, facial expressions all convey the meaning even when the piece is in German or French.  His parents were bursting with pride, as were his friends and former teachers.  He's going to Rice in Texas for his master's degree and then, anything is possible.

When I got home last night to prepare for the adult party, there was Paddy, completely covered in mud.  He must have gotten into a fight with a wandering kitty and rolled in mud puddles.  The same thing happened while we were at the recital, though he was not quite as dirty.  Clearly, he has spring fever.

The food line!
Our hungry crew!

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