Our nation is gripped with sadness today because of a mass shooting in the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. Twenty little children and six adults were murdered by a 20 year old shooter whose mom was the kindergarten teacher. I grieve for the slain children and their families who tonight are seized by excruciating pain and profound sorrow.
The debate over gun control has begun again, but it's far too late. My view: No weapons except for single shot guns expressly for hunting. That's it, no handguns at all. No rapid fire weapons. Stricter registrations, investigations into buyers. Limits on quantities of bullets and no armor piercing bullets.
But for today, we should hold our children close, give thanks for our many blessings and pray for the families of those who lost so much today.
Whenever I am upset, I head outdoors, and that's what we did. We walked and talked for miles and while crossing campus, we met Shane. Ann would call our encounter a "god dropping" because he was the perfect medicine for my grief and heartache. Full of passion for college and excited for future adventures, Shane loves life so much. And I can't help wondering about the life of the young man who committed the horrific crime today. What happened in his life that caused him so much pain that he would act out in such violence? Such a contrast between two young men; one gripped by rage and pain, while another embraces every moment with pure joy. Why? I don't know, but it's the Shanes and Margarets and Annas and Seans that give me faith in the future despite the madness of mass murders.
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