Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 16: Dad's birthday

Today would have been my dad's 86th birthday.  He's been gone since October, 1996, and we still miss him and mom.  He did not like having his picture taken so I have only a few photos of the two of us.  Actually, he posed more often with the giant fish he caught.  One of my favorites pictures was taken when I was just a few months old when we were living on the corner of Center  and Leverett Streets.  Years later, Steve and I bought our first house on the opposite corner of the same streets.

I'm sure our parents would be very proud of how well their five children and ten grandchildren are doing. It's a shame they did not live past their early 70s.  Their health issues have certainly been motivations for us to take better care of ourselves.

My mother is gorgeous and beaming with Dad and their young family in the second photo.  My brother Mike is riding on Dad's shoulder and I am trying to escape, as always.  I've heard it was taken on a visit back to Staten Island, but that's not certain.  I've set it with some of my favorite travel artifacts: candlesticks from Sweden, a giraffe made in Ethiopia that we bought near the Leaning Tower of Pisa and a rug from a suk in Morocco.

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