Yesterday we made the journey to the cemetery where we paused to remember our loved ones and plant flowers in respect for their lives and contributions to home, community and nation. My sisters were present for the first time and went through the ritual with us. They were entertained by some of the Cobb stories like grandparents Warren and Bertha who fought all the time and therefore would not buy cemetery plots next to each other.
Ivanka and her staff decided the way to "celebrate" Memorial Day is with champagne popsicles. So disrespectful, tasteless and grotesque. We celebrate that my dad, husband, son, niece and three nephews all came home alive from their military service.
Angela Merkel declared after DT's performance at this years' G-7 meeting that the United States is no longer a dependable ally. The alliance that has held the western world together since the end of World War II is fraying due to the meddling of Putin and the incompetence of DT. That adds a somber note to this day of remembrance.
The backpacking gear was all supposed to be returned by Tuesday at 3:00. The kids did pretty well, but the adults and student leaders missed the deadline. The last of it arrived on our front porch on Saturday, so now we can put it all away tomorrow. I've begun editing the Quest photos from my camera and posted the pictures from Wednesday and Thursday. Still have lots to do there. I also designed and printed the thank you cards so we can start writing notes to everyone who helped.
Our family worked like crazy women from Wednesday to Sunday afternoon on Laurie's house. The house and garden have been transformed in a just a few weekends. Nancy came from Louisville to help this time and she finished painting the interior. (first coat) The soft gray covers so many flaws and erases years of neglect and ugliness. We also pulled up the linoleum and tore off the wall board in the kitchen. Laurie began breaking up the cement covering the red brick chimney. We went to the Salvation Army and got a sideboard which Laurie immediately refinished. We cleaned up all kinds of debris behind her garage and tore out an old trellis along with a vine that had actually penetrated the roof. We hauled out the old stove and took it to the transfer station as well as a ton of other garbage. In the second bedroom, we painted, patched, tore up carpet and pad, pulled out nailing strips and staples, and washed the floor. And I made meals for all of us for a couple days. I'm sure there was something else that I've neglected.
Oh yes! Steve, Mary and I went to the Amish auction and we both bought quilts as gifts. Mine is for a special young woman who will be married in July and Mary's is for our niece, Alexandra. Of course the food is always fabulous there, especially the donuts and macaroni salad.
So busy, busy, busy.
But today, was mine and I rejoiced because I finally got to swim and work on planting my container gardens. Last year I had already done five miles by this time! I went in the pool yesterday for the first time, but the water was only 71. Today, it was up to 74 so I swam 50 lengths. I felt renewed!
The lupine in Molly's garden
Amish double wedding ring quilt
Gerber daisies with sweet potato vine
Non stop begonias