Monday, May 29, 2017

Day 1854: A Family Effort

Brief reflections on Memorial Day.

Yesterday we made the journey to the cemetery where we paused to remember our loved ones and plant flowers in respect for their lives and contributions to home, community and nation.  My sisters were present for the first time and went through the ritual with us.  They were entertained by some of the Cobb stories like grandparents Warren and Bertha who fought all the time and therefore would not buy cemetery plots next to each other.

Ivanka and her staff decided the way to "celebrate" Memorial Day is with champagne popsicles.  So disrespectful, tasteless and grotesque.  We celebrate that my dad, husband, son, niece and three nephews all came home alive from their military service.

Angela Merkel declared after DT's performance at this years' G-7 meeting that the United States is no longer a dependable ally.  The alliance that has held the western world together since the end of World War II is fraying due to the meddling of Putin and the incompetence of DT.  That adds a somber note to this day of remembrance.

The backpacking gear was all supposed to be returned by Tuesday at 3:00.  The kids did pretty well, but the adults and student leaders missed the deadline.  The last of it arrived on our front porch on Saturday, so now we can put it all away tomorrow.   I've begun editing the Quest photos from my camera and posted the pictures from Wednesday and Thursday.   Still have lots to do there.   I also designed and printed the thank you cards so we can start writing notes to everyone who helped.

Our family worked like crazy women from Wednesday to Sunday afternoon on Laurie's house.  The house and garden have been transformed in a just a few weekends.  Nancy came from Louisville to help this time and she finished painting the interior. (first coat)  The soft gray covers so many flaws and erases years of neglect and ugliness.  We also pulled up the linoleum and tore off the wall board in the kitchen.  Laurie began breaking up the cement covering the red brick chimney. We went to the Salvation Army and got a sideboard which Laurie immediately refinished.  We cleaned up all kinds of debris behind her garage and tore out an old trellis along with a vine that had actually penetrated the roof.  We hauled out the old stove and took it to the transfer station as well as a ton of other garbage.  In the second bedroom, we painted, patched, tore up carpet and pad, pulled out nailing strips and staples, and washed the floor.   And I made meals for all of us for a couple days.  I'm sure there was something else that I've neglected.

Oh yes!  Steve, Mary and I went to the Amish auction and we both bought quilts as gifts.  Mine is for a special young woman who will be married in July and Mary's is for our niece, Alexandra.  Of course the food is always fabulous there, especially the donuts and macaroni salad.
So busy, busy, busy.

But today, was mine and I rejoiced because I finally got to swim and work on planting my container gardens.  Last year I had already done five miles by this time!  I went in the pool yesterday for the first time, but the water was only 71.  Today, it was up to 74 so I swam 50 lengths.  I felt renewed!

The lupine in Molly's garden

Amish double wedding ring quilt

Gerber daisies with sweet potato vine

Non stop begonias

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Day 1853: Another one in the history books!

Truly!  So many firsts happened during Quest 2017.  It was physically demanding, socially challenging and logistically complicated.  I'll be able to write about it for weeks!  In fact, if the book wasn't already complete, the high temperature challenges would make the weather chapter and the social and emotional problems would be included in several chapters.

We've always said that the kids learn more when they must deal with adverse conditions.  This year, the kids learned a great deal and grew exponentially.  There was lots of crying and it wasn't girls.  The heat wore everyone down to a nubbin.  Fortunately, we have an outstanding support staff that ferried overheated kids between rest stops and filled water bottles at every road crossing.

With the temperature in the mid eighties on Wednesday, everyone was struggling.  Steve and I practically crawled up Olmstead Hill and collapsed at the top.  Lying in the grass under the pounding sun, we wondered aloud "are we out of our minds?  Can we physically do this any more?"  Well, just like the kids, with adaptations, we can.  

Thursday's thunderstorms moved north along the lake shore and missed us.  Parents were panicking because the storms hit Fredonia hard, but no rain or hail fell on us.  We had arranged for three busses, just in case, but they were unnecessary.  Cooler air moved in and hiking on Friday and Saturday felt easy by comparison.

And then the most unusual thing in my entire backpacking career happened.  I slept through the night!  A whole five hours in a row!  I felt like superwoman!  Those five hours gave me enough fuel to power through Saturday and clean up today.

This is just a brief overview because it's late and I have to put the ninth load of laundry in the dryer.  There are so many people who must be properly thanked and moments of beauty and wonder to contemplate.  But not tonight.  Tonight, I must sleep.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Day 1852: Fed Up!

I don't often get exasperated over Quest, but I am today.  I don't understand why our school's own faculty seem to thing they can break up our team and spoil the integrity of Quest whenever they wish without any consideration for the impact their plans have on our tent groups, cook groups and hike groups.  Twenty one kids are going out for one reason or other and each absence sends ripples through the whole group.  

Do they have all the tent components? How will we arrange rides?  Can parents actually find our campsites?  What about meals and supervision?  I've spent four hours on the phone tonight with one call after another.  Why did they wait till two days before?  Only two of the calls related to something that happened today.

County championships for tennis were not just announced today for Thursday.  But the kid just revealed his plans today.  Several student leaders are leaving early for prom, but only two have told us.  One coach pulled a girl out of Thursday's hike today to maybe play softball on Thursday.  We knew about the County Music festival  months ago, so we could deal with that.  However, a last minute dinner concert for an awards ceremony really is screwing us up.  Then there's dance rehearsals and recitals

Three girls dropped out.  We expected the one from Cassadaga would drop because of her injured toe.  Another decided it wasn't for her.  Certainly understandable considering the horrible weather we had. And the third dropped today.  It's ok.  They did all the classes and two hikes.  That's more than most and they can be very proud of what they accomplished.

I'm sure more will happen before I print the new roster on Wednesday morning.

Steve gets very aggravated and wants the kids to make choices. I'm not entirely comfortable with that philosophy.  I figure that an interrupted or abbreviated experience is better than none at all.   I suspect most kids would not chose Quest over some of these other events  because it's not as familiar or easy as others.  That's probably why I'm making all these special arrangements.

All of this is incredibly trivial compared to the president revealing classified information to the Russians in their private meeting.  He betrayed a close ally.  Will any nation ever trust us enough to share any information again?

On a positive note, I had a lovely Mother's Day weekend.  Flowers and long conversations with my boys,  a bit of shopping, lots of gardening,  eating out, sleeping in.  Very grateful to be their mom.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Day 1851: The FBI and other fishy deals

This administration just reels from one catastrophe to another.  Each morning when we reach for the paper or turn on the news, I wonder, "Is this the day he blows up the world?"

This week,  he fired James Comey, director of the FBI who is leading the Russia investigation.   The next day he invited Russian diplomats and a film crew into the Oval Office without any American  news media.  Then, he signed an executive order to set up a commission to investigate the "millions" of illegitimate votes in the election.  He's obsessed with his electoral college win and can't accept that his opponent won three million more votes than he did.  Of, course this is all against the backdrop of the ongoing investigations into his business and political ties to Russia and their interference in the election.

Every day our heads are spinning because there are so many targets of outrage.  I keep making my calls, sending emails and mailing out postcards to Paul Ryan.  He should be impeached, but the Republicans won't do it.  They put party before country.

It's taken all week to recover from the overnight trip and clean up the messes.  One girl has dropped out and that's a shame.  She survived what were probably the worst conditions we've ever had on a two day hike.   Now, the forecast for the four day hike is spectacular!  Mid to high seventies and no rain.  The kids will love it and I will struggle more in the heat than the freezing rain last weekend.

Nevertheless, I'm excited to spend four days with beloved friends who are coming from far and near to backpack with our teens.  Last weekend, sweet Lindsay traveled from Columbus.  She suffered without complaint because she underestimated the cold and the duration of the rain.  She didn't have rain pants, hiking boots or enough layers, but she asked a million questions about Quest.  She may have the ambition to start a similar program, but if she changes jobs or pursues a PhD, it won't be happening.

Sean is spending his vacation time from the Vermont State Police here in Fredonia to see his girlfriend graduate from college and to do Quest.  His loyalty and dedication make me choke up.

Then there's Margaret who's taking vacation time from her job in Syracuse to act as one of our hike group leaders.  And Clare who will be returning from college to join us.  And Vince who is taking three days off from his teaching position in Rochester.  And Alycia is leaving behind her job in Buffalo.  And Chris will close up his plumbing business for four days.

So many people give up their time and devote their skills to make this event possible for our community.  Such generous and amazing gifts!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Day 1850: Cleaning up!

Margaret and Moraima's group

Our Cassadaga Gals

Sean's group

Repacking pots and pans

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Day 1849: Proud of our team!

It's late and we have done so much over the last few days that I will only post pictures tonight.  Tomorrow there will be time to reflect and write.  I will say that we did the best we possibly could, given the dreadful weather conditions.  Kids learned, grew and had fun.  That was the objective and that was accomplished.

Tim: Zombie of the forest

Saturday morning at 7 am
Temperature 39 and a freezing rain. 
Fredonia, Fredonia, Cassadaga, Silver Creek and three more Cassadaga.
But, who can tell in the rain?

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Day 1848: Pivot and punt

The forecast for the weekend is grim.  There's a ninety percent chance of heavy rain Friday and Saturday.  What should we do?  Take action!   Yesterday we created an action plan and put it in motion.  I don't follow football, but I understand the concepts  involved.  Take shelter when it's available,  avoid confrontation, move swiftly and duck when you're about to get hit.  

We put twelve hours of work each yesterday.  It reminded me a bit of 2014 when we had to abbreviate the trip, but the arrangements this time were far easier. The key change is that we'll have dinner in the park and utilize the shelter of the pavilions.  That way the kids won't get soaked cooking in the open.  Then we'll hike up Seymour St. rather than cross country to save them from slopping through eight inches of muck.  We don't normally make these accommodations, but the threat of hypothermia is very real. 

Hopefully, Saturday's weather will be a bit drier, though we know the temp will be in the forties.  We'll assess as we go and adjust to the conditions.  
No matter what, the kids will have a great time! 

The 2017 Quest expedition 

A few of our fabulous student leaders


The Knot Game 
Photo by Brigitte